| |
- builtins.object
- TabFunction
- Table
class TabFunction(builtins.object) |
implements a function specified by a numpy array.
The two dimensional array specifies the values of the partially linear
function. Between the points the function does a linear interpolation. |
Methods defined here:
- __call__(self, x)
- make the object callable.
You can simple call a TabFunction object as if it were a simple
function f(x).
x -- this is the value for which the function is calculated.
This function looks up x in the table and returns the corresponding
number y. If x is not found in the table take the two nearest points
and do a linear interpolation.
Here are some examples:
>>> f=TabFunction(numpy.array([[0,0],[1,1],[-1,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3]]))
>>> f(-1)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(1)
>>> f(3)
>>> f(4)
>>> f(0.5)
>>> f(2)
>>> f(5)
- __init__(self, tab)
- creates the callable TabFunction object.
tab -- a numpy.array object
the new TabFunction object.
Here is an example:
>>> f=TabFunction(numpy.array([[0,0],[1,1],[3,2]]))
>>> f(0)
- dump(self)
- this function creates a simple data dump.
Here is an example:
>>> f=TabFunction(numpy.array([[0,0],[1,1],[3,2]]))
>>> f.dump()
0 , 0
1 , 1
3 , 2
- invert(self)
- return an inverted array.
Here is an example:
>>> f=TabFunction(numpy.array([[0,0],[1,1],[-1,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3]]))
>>> f.dump()
-1 , 2
0 , 0
1 , 1
3 , 2
4 , 2
>>> g= f.invert()
>>> g.dump()
0 , 0
1 , 1
2 , -1
- x_limit(self, min_=None, max_=None)
- ensures that all x-values are within the given limits.
This method returns a new TabFunction object. If the returned
TabFunction would be empty, a ValueError exception is raised.
min_ : for all x values, x>=min_ holds
max_ : for all x values, x<=max_ holds
a new TabFunction object.
Here are some examples:
>>> f=TabFunction(numpy.array([[0,0],[1,2],[2,4],[3,6]]))
>>> f.dump()
0 , 0
1 , 2
2 , 4
3 , 6
>>> f.x_limit(min_=1).dump()
1 , 2
2 , 4
3 , 6
>>> f.x_limit(min_=2).dump()
2 , 4
3 , 6
>>> f.x_limit(min_=2.5).dump()
3 , 6
>>> f.x_limit(min_=4).dump()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: TabFunction is empty with this value for <min>
>>> f.x_limit(max_=4).dump()
0 , 0
1 , 2
2 , 4
3 , 6
>>> f.x_limit(max_=2).dump()
0 , 0
1 , 2
2 , 4
>>> f.x_limit(max_=0.5).dump()
0 , 0
>>> f.x_limit(max_=-1).dump()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: TabFunction is empty with this value for <max>
>>> f.x_limit(min_=1,max_=2).dump()
1 , 2
2 , 4
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object
class Table(builtins.object) |
creates a Table object for various number table manipulations.
This is a small wrapper around a numpy structured array. This class
provides several useful methods to do various manipulations on the table as
well as pretty printing the result. A table is a schema of numbers
organized in rows and columns where there is a number at each position. All
columns have names. So a combination of a column name and a row number
specifies each number.
The methods of this class are functional in the sense that they do not
modifiy the object but always return a new object.
The internal numpy structured array can be retrieved with the tab() method.
Functions defined elsewhere in this module can be used to create a Table
object from an ASCII file or a list of lines. You can, of course, also
create a Table object directly from a numpy structured array as it is shown
in the examples below. |
Methods defined here:
- __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- gets a element or a slice of the table.
This method is used when the table is accessed like a python one or two
dimensional array.
all __getitem__ of numpy arrays supports
one or more values like numpy array __getitem__ does
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab["t"]
array([1., 2., 3.], dtype=float32)
>>> tab["t"][1]
>>> tab[0]
(1., 2., 4.)
>>> tab[1]
(2., 4., 8.)
>>> tab[2]
(3., 6., 16.)
- __init__(self, tab)
- initializes the object from a numpy structured array.
tab -- the numpy structured array. Note that the new Table object
only references this array, is does not copy it. If you modify
the structured array later, the changes will also have an
effect on the Table object.
the Table object.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> print(tab)
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
- __len__(self)
- return the length of the table.
This method returns the number of rows of the table. You can now simply
apply "len" to the Table.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> print(len(tab))
- __setitem__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- sets an element or a slice of the table.
This function is called when the table is modified the same way like a
python one or two dimensional array would be modified.
all __setitem__ of numpy arrays supports
one or more values like numpy array __setitem__ does
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab["x"][1]=400
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 400.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab["y"]=(8,16,32)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 8.0
2.0 400.0 16.0
3.0 6.0 32.0
>>> tab[0]=(-1,-2,-8)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
-1.0 -2.0 -8.0
2.0 400.0 16.0
3.0 6.0 32.0
- __str__(self)
- return the table as a human readable simple string.
This function returns the table as a single text representing the
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> print(tab)
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
- averages(self, filter_func=None, column_list=None)
- calculate the mean values of all columns.
This function calculates the mean values for all columns and all
selected rows. The selected rows are rows where filter_func returns
True, when applied to a dictionary with the values of the row. If
filter_func is not given, all rows are taken into account. This
function returns a dictionary with the mean value for each column.
filter_func -- an optional function that is used to filter the lines.
If this function is not given, all lines are take into
column_list -- if given, this specifies the names of the columns
where the function should be applied. It this
parameter is missing, the function is applied to all
a dictionary with the mean values for all columns.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> m= tab.averages()
>>> print("averages:\n","\n".join([ "%s: %s" % (n,m[n])
... for n in sorted(m.keys())]),
... sep='')
t: 2.5
x: 5.0
y: 15.0
>>> m= tab.averages(filter_func=lambda t,x,y:t%2==0)
>>> print("averages:\n","\n".join([ "%s: %s" % (n,m[n])
... for n in sorted(m.keys())]),
... sep='')
t: 3.0
x: 6.0
y: 20.0
>>> m= tab.averages(column_list=["t","y"])
>>> print("averages:\n","\n".join([ "%s: %s" % (n,m[n])
... for n in sorted(m.keys())]),
... sep='')
t: 2.5
y: 15.0
- combine(self, other)
- combine two Tables, simply row by row, adds all columns.
This function combines two tables. Both tables must have the same
number of rows. The columns of both tables are taken together to create
a new table that is returned.
other -- the other Table object
a new Table object.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x"],"formats":["f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> u= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["a","b"],"formats":["f4","f4"]})
>>> u["a"]=[10,20,30]
>>> u["b"]=[20,40,60]
>>> tab= Table(t)
>>> otab= Table(u)
>>> tab.print_()
t x
1.0 2.0
2.0 4.0
3.0 6.0
>>> otab.print_()
a b
10.0 20.0
20.0 40.0
30.0 60.0
>>> tab.combine(otab).print_()
t x a b
1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0
2.0 4.0 20.0 40.0
3.0 6.0 30.0 60.0
- count(self, filter_func)
- count all rows where filter_func returns True.
filter_func -- an optional function that is used to filter the lines
the number of rows where filter_func returned True
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> tab.count(lambda t,x,y: x>=4)
>>> tab.count(lambda t,x,y: 2*x<y)
- derive(self, derive_by, derive_these, new_names=None, keep_derive_by=False)
- calculate new columns with the derivative of values.
This function is used to create the derivative of one or more columns
by a given column. The derivatives are new columns in the new table
that is returned.
derive_by -- the name of the column by which is derived
derive_these -- a list of column names that are derived
new_names -- a list of names for the new columns. If this
parameter is not given, the new names are created
by prepending a "d" to the original column names.
keep_derive_by -- if True, the column by which is derived is kept in
the new table.
a new Table object.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[0,2,10]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
0.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
10.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab.derive("t",["x","y"]).print_()
dx dy
0.0 0.0
1.0 2.0
0.25 1.0
>>> tab.derive("t",["x","y"],keep_derive_by=True).print_()
t dx dy
0.0 0.0 0.0
2.0 1.0 2.0
10.0 0.25 1.0
- derive_add(self, derive_by, derive_these, new_names=None)
- calculate additional columns with the derivative of values.
This function is used to create the derivative of one or more columns
by a given column. The derivatives are added as new columns. As usual,
the original table is not modified but a new table is created.
derive_by -- the name of the column by which is derived
derive_these -- a list of column names that are derived
new_names -- a list of names for the new columns. If this
parameter is not given, the new names are created by
prepending a "d" to the original column names.
a new Table object.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[0,2,10]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
0.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
10.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab.derive_add("t",["x","y"]).print_()
t x y dx dy
0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0
2.0 4.0 8.0 1.0 2.0
10.0 6.0 16.0 0.25 1.0
>>> tab.derive_add("t",["x"],["velocity"]).print_()
t x y velocity
0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0
2.0 4.0 8.0 1.0
10.0 6.0 16.0 0.25
- filter(self, fun)
- filter a table by a function.
This function applies a function to each row of the table. If this
function returns True, the row is taken, otherwise the row is skipped.
All of the taken rows are taken to create a new table.
fun -- this function is applied to the values of each row. All
values of a row are given to this function as named parameters. The
function should return a single boolean value.
a new table with the filtered rows.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> tab.filter(lambda t,x,y: t!=2).print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> tab.filter(lambda t,x,y: t%2==0).print_()
t x y
2.0 4.0 8.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
- fold(self, fun, initial=None, filter_func=None)
- calculate a single value (or tuple) from the table.
This function can be used to create a value from the table by applying
a function to every column. This function gets the "initial" parameter
as a first parameter. All following parameters are named parameters one
for each row. The value the function returns is given as "initial"
parameters in the next call of the function where it gets the numbers
of the following row. If filter_func is given, the fold function is
only applied to rows where the filter function returns true.
fun -- the function. It must accept an anonymous first
parameter and a list of named parameters, one for each
column in the table.
filter_func -- an optional function that is used to filter the lines
where the fold function <fun> is applied. If this
function is given, <fun> is only applied to lines were
filter_func returns True.
a value that is given as anonymous first parameter to the next call
of the function.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s+t, 0)
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s+x, 0)
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s+y, 0)
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s*t, 1)
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s+x, 0, lambda t,x,y: t>2)
>>> tab.fold(lambda s,t,x,y: s*t, 1, lambda t,x,y: t!=3)
- fold_dict(self, fun, initial=None, filter_func=None, column_list=None)
- apply a fold function to all columns of a table.
The fold function is called like this: fun(initial, field_value) for each
specified column in each filtered row. The value returned is passed as
<initial> parameter the next time the function is called for the same
column. The result is a dictionary that contains the latest <initial>
values for all specified columns.
fun -- the function to call for each field. It should return a
single value.
initial -- the value that is passed to the function at the first time
it is called.
filter_func -- if given, this function specifies which rows to use. It is
called with a dictionary of all values for each row and
should return a boolean value. If it returns True, the row
is selected, otherwise it is skipped.
column_list -- if given, this specifies the names of the columns where
the function should be applied. It this parameter is
missing, the function is applied to all columns.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> d= tab.fold_dict(lambda s,x: min(s,x) if s is not None else x)
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print(k,": ",d[k])
t : 1.0
x : 2.0
y : 4.0
>>> d= tab.fold_dict(lambda s,x: max(s,x) if s is not None else x)
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print(k,": ",d[k])
t : 4.0
x : 8.0
y : 32.0
>>> d= tab.fold_dict(lambda s,x: min(s,x) if s is not None else x,
... filter_func= lambda t,x,y: t>2)
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print(k,": ",d[k])
t : 3.0
x : 6.0
y : 16.0
- join_by(self, other, key)
- join two tables by a key.
This function combines two tables by a key column that must be present
in both tables. It returns a new Table object that combines the columns
of both tables. Note that the key column is, of course, only taken
other -- the other Table object
key -- the name of the key column
a new Table object.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x"],"formats":["f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> u= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","y"],"formats":["f4","f4"]})
>>> u["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> u["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> otab=Table(u)
>>> tab.print_()
t x
1.0 2.0
2.0 4.0
3.0 6.0
>>> otab.print_()
t y
1.0 4.0
2.0 8.0
3.0 16.0
>>> tab.join_by(otab,"t").print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
- map(self, names, fun)
- calculate new columns and return a new table.
This function is used to calculate one or more numbers from the columns
of a table and create a new table with these numbers. The function
"fun" is called for each row of the table, all the numbers are given as
named parameters to the function. The function may return a single
number or a tuple of numbers. The names of the new columns are given in
the parameter names. Note that a property "_bag" is added to the
function, which is an empty dictionary at the first call. The function
can use this as a persistent data store to store values between it's
names -- this is a list of strings that defines the names of the
new columns.
fun -- the function that is called to calculate the new
a new Table object.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab.map(["sum","mul"],lambda t,x,y: (x+y,x*y)).print_()
sum mul
6.0 8.0
12.0 32.0
22.0 96.0
- map_add(self, new_names, fun)
- calculate additional columns and return a new table.
This function is used to calculate one or more numbers from the columns
of a table and add these numbers as additional columns to the table. As
usual, the original table is not modified but a new table is created
and returned. The function "fun" is called for each row of the table,
all the numbers are given as named parameters to the function. The
function may return a single number or a tuple of numbers. The names of
the additional columns are given in the parameter new_names. Note that
a property "_bag" is added to the function, which is an empty
dictionary at the first call. The function can use this as a persistent
data store to store values between it's calls.
new_names -- this is a list of strings that defines the names of the
new columns.
fun -- the function that is called to calculate the new
a new Table object.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.map_add(["t+x","t*x"],lambda t,x,y:(t+x,t*x)).print_()
t x y t+x t*x
1.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 2.0
2.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0 9.0 18.0
- names(self)
- return a list of column names.
- print_(self, sep=' ', formats=None, justifications=None)
- print the table.
This function prints the table to the console. It simply calls the
method to_lines() and prints the lines this function returns.
sep -- the string that separates rows, the default is a
single space.
formats -- an array of strings that specify the formats for
each column. The formats are the ones that the
python "%" operator supports. The default is a "%s"
for all columns. If the number of elements in this
list is smaller than the number of columns, the
last format string in the list is taken for all
remaining columns. By this it is sufficient in many
cases to provide an list with just a single format
string that will then be used for all columns
justifications -- This list of characters specifies the justification
for each column. Known justification characters are
"L" for left, "C" for center and "R" for right
justification. If the number of elements in this
list is smaller than the number of columns, the
last justification character in the list is taken
for all remaining columns. By this it is sufficient
in many cases to provide an list with just a single
justification character that will then be used for
all columns
Here are some examples, more are at to_lines:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["time","measured-x","measured-y"],
... "formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["time"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["measured-x"]=[2.2,4.4,6.6]
>>> t["measured-y"]=[4.45,8.55,16.65]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_(sep="|")
1.0 |2.2 |4.45
2.0 |4.4 |8.55
3.0 |6.6 |16.65
>>> tab.print_(sep="|",justifications=["R","R","R"])
1.0| 2.2| 4.45
2.0| 4.4| 8.55
3.0| 6.6| 16.65
- rename_by_dict(self, newname_dict)
- create a new Table, change the names of columns.
This method creates a new Table object where some or all of the columns
may have been renamed. The mapping defined in the given dictionary is
not required to be complete. Column names not found in the dictionary
remain unchanged.
newname_dict -- a dictionary mapping old column names to new column names.
a new Table object where the columns are renamed.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> print(tab)
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab.rename_by_dict({"t":"T","y":"New"}).print_()
T x New
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
- rename_by_function(self, fun)
- create a new Table, change the names of columns with a function.
This method creates a new Table object where some or all of the columns may
have been renamed. The new names are determined by applying the given
function to each of the old column names.
fun -- a function mapping old column names to new column names.
a new Table object where the columns are renamed.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
>>> tab.rename_by_function(lambda n: n+"_new").print_()
t_new x_new y_new
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
- rm_columns(self, fieldlist)
- remove columns from the table.
This function removes columns from the table and returns a new table
with the remaining columns.
fieldlist -- the list of columns that are to be removed.
the new table.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["t","a","b","c"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["a"]=[2,4,6]
>>> t["b"]=[3,6,9]
>>> t["c"]=[4,8,12]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.rm_columns(["a","c"]).print_()
t b
1.0 3.0
2.0 6.0
3.0 9.0
- sample_standard_deviation(self, filter_func=None, column_list=None)
- calculate the sample standard deviation of all columns.
This function calculates the mean values for all columns and all selected
rows. The selected rows are rows where filter_func returns True, when
applied to a dictionary with the values of the row. If filter_func is not
given, all rows are taken into account. This function returns a dictionary
with the mean value for each column.
filter_func -- an optional function that is used to filter the lines. If
this function is not given, all lines are take into
column_list -- if given, this specifies the names of the columns where
the function should be applied. It this parameter is
missing, the function is applied to all columns.
a dictionary with the standard deviation for all columns.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> d=tab.sample_standard_deviation()
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print("%s: %6.2f" % (k,d[k]))
t: 1.29
x: 2.58
y: 12.38
>>> d=tab.sample_standard_deviation(filter_func=lambda t,x,y:t>2)
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print("%s: %6.2f" % (k,d[k]))
t: 0.71
x: 1.41
y: 11.31
>>> d=tab.sample_standard_deviation(column_list=["t","y"])
>>> for k in sorted(d.keys()):
... print("%s: %6.2f" % (k,d[k]))
t: 1.29
y: 12.38
- sums(self, filter_func=None, column_list=None)
- calculate sums of columns and number of rows.
This function calculates the number of rows and the sum of columns for a
given table. It returns the number of rows where filter_func returned True
and a dictionary with the sums of values for that rows for each column. If
filter_func is omitted, all rows are taken into account.
filter_func -- an optional function that is used to filter the lines. If
this function is not given, all lines are take into
column_list -- if given, this specifies the names of the columns
where the function should be applied. It this
parameter is missing, the function is applied to all
a tuple consisting of the number of rows where filter_func returned True
and a dictionary with the sum of values for all columns.
Here is an example:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> s= tab.sums()
>>> print("rows:",s[0])
rows: 4
>>> for k in sorted(s[1].keys()):
... print("sum(%s): %s" % (k,s[1][k]))
sum(t): 10.0
sum(x): 20.0
sum(y): 60.0
>>> s=tab.sums(filter_func=lambda t,x,y:t%2==0)
>>> print("rows:",s[0])
rows: 2
>>> for k in sorted(s[1].keys()):
... print("sum(%s): %s" % (k,s[1][k]))
sum(t): 6.0
sum(x): 12.0
sum(y): 40.0
>>> s=tab.sums(column_list=["t","y"])
>>> print("rows:",s[0])
rows: 4
>>> for k in sorted(s[1].keys()):
... print("sum(%s): %s" % (k,s[1][k]))
sum(t): 10.0
sum(y): 60.0
- tab(self)
- return the internal numpy structured table object.
- take_columns(self, row_list)
- create a new Table, take columns from the list.
This method can be used to select only some of the rows of a table and
to reorder rows of the table. It returns a new Table object.
row_list -- a list of rows to select. Note that the order of the rows
matters with respect to the method print_ (see print_).
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(4,dtype={"names":["t","x","y"],"formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["t"]=[1,2,3,4]
>>> t["x"]=[2,4,6,8]
>>> t["y"]=[4,8,16,32]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> tab.print_()
t x y
1.0 2.0 4.0
2.0 4.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 16.0
4.0 8.0 32.0
>>> tab.take_columns(["x","y"]).print_()
x y
2.0 4.0
4.0 8.0
6.0 16.0
8.0 32.0
>>> tab.take_columns(["x","y","t"]).print_()
x y t
2.0 4.0 1.0
4.0 8.0 2.0
6.0 16.0 3.0
8.0 32.0 4.0
- to_lines(self, sep=' ', formats=None, justifications=None)
- pretty-print Table.
This function converts a table to a list of lines. This function is
also the base for the __str__ and the print_ function.
sep -- the string that separates rows, the default is a
single space.
formats -- an array of strings that specify the formats for
each column. The formats are the ones that the
python "%" operator supports. The default is a "%s"
for all columns. If the number of elements in this
list is smaller than the number of columns, the
last format string in the list is taken for all
remaining columns. By this it is sufficient in many
cases to provide an list with just a single format
string that will then be used for all columns
justifications -- This list of characters specifies the justification
for each column. Known justification characters are
"L" for left, "C" for center and "R" for right
justification. The default if no justification is
given is to use left justification. If the number
of elements in this list is smaller than the number
of columns, the last justification character in the
list is taken for all remaining columns. By this it
is sufficient in many cases to provide an list with
just a single justification character that will
then be used for all columns
a list of lines representing the table.
Here are some examples:
>>> t= numpy.zeros(3,dtype={"names":["time","measured-x","measured-y"],
... "formats":["f4","f4","f4"]})
>>> t["time"]=[1,2,3]
>>> t["measured-x"]=[2.2,4.4,6.6]
>>> t["measured-y"]=[4.45,8.55,16.65]
>>> tab=Table(t)
>>> print("\n".join(tab.to_lines()))
time measured-x measured-y
1.0 2.2 4.45
2.0 4.4 8.55
3.0 6.6 16.65
>>> print("\n".join(tab.to_lines(sep="|")))
1.0 |2.2 |4.45
2.0 |4.4 |8.55
3.0 |6.6 |16.65
>>> print("\n".join(tab.to_lines(sep="|",
... formats=["%5.2f","%20.3f","%6.4f"])))
time |measured-x |measured-y
1.00| 2.200|4.4500
2.00| 4.400|8.5500
3.00| 6.600|16.6500
>>> print("\n".join(tab.to_lines(sep="|",
... formats=["%5.2f","%20.3f","%6.4f"],
... justifications=["R","L","C"])))
time|measured-x |measured-y
1.00| 2.200| 4.4500
2.00| 4.400| 8.5500
3.00| 6.600| 16.6500
>>> print("\n".join(tab.to_lines(sep="|",
... formats=["%5.2f","%6.3f","%6.4f"],
... justifications=["R","L","C"])))
1.00| 2.200 | 4.4500
2.00| 4.400 | 8.5500
3.00| 6.600 | 16.6500
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object
| |