Stepy is a configurable measure program that preforms loops that set EPICS process variables (PV) and read a set of process variables after each step.
Get help by call stepy from command line:
stepy -h for commandline features stepy --doc for manual
Setup a simple measurement:
Define the loop with 'From:' 'To:' 'Inc:'. Attention: only posetive 'From:' < 'To:'
Minimal delay between set the PVs and measure set the 'Delay:' field. Also subseconds are allowed e.g. 0.2 for 200ms
Define the PV to set: 'Add PV' -> 'Pv' -> PV_NAME
Define PVs to measure: Button <Measure>
- Set Field 'Add PV:'. Press Button <Add PV>. If the PV exists it will be added to the List 'Measured PVs:'
- If the PV is not accessible it will be set to red Background
- Delete from list by select and press Button 'Delete selected PVs'
More featured measure run
Define the number of steps with 'From:' 'To:' 'Inc:'. Attention: only posetive 'From:' < 'To:'
Define the PV or a number of PVs to be set:
-'Add PV' -> 'Linear' -> 'LINEAR PV:' PV_NAME 'Begin:', 'End:' - Begin may be higher than 'End'
Loops for n dimensions, with the parameters:
Attatched Process variables: Each loop may set several PVs:
Set PV types: For each process variable are several types of conversion of the loop parameters available.
Measurement: Multiple PVs may be measured in each step. The measured values are:
GUI Features :
Run Remarks :
The program can execute the configuration file to perform the measurement from command line.:
stepy -x my.cfg -f measuredData.csv
Minimal delay between the steps has to be set. It is approximate 1 second, due to the channel access library!
Save measured data:
Restore affected PVs when finishing the program.
~/.steprc Set the prepath for data and configuration files:
{ 'DATAPREPATH': "/home/pc/kuner/ctl/tmp/stepData", 'CFGPREPATH': "/home/pc/kuner/ctl/tmp/stepConf" }
xx.cfg Configure Measurement
The '.cfg' file may contain multiple configurations.
The user has to choose one of these configurations while loading the '.cfg' file.
In commandline mode a '.cfg' file with just one configuration is executed directly, more configurations are choosen interactive or by argument.:
stepy -x huhu.cfg 2
In GUI mode, store a configuration will append it to an existing file, asking for the description before write it. Example:
{'LOOPS': [{'LTYPE': 'ONCE', 'FROM': 0.0, 'TO': 3.0, 'INC': 1.0, 'DELAY': 0.2, 'PVS': [{'TYPE': 'PV', 'PV': 'test:out1'}]}], 'DESC': '21.10.08 13:22 | 1-loop ONCE ', 'MEASURE': ['test:read1']}
~/.step.stp: is the temporary created file to start the StripTool with the actual parameters.