Usage: [options] {files}

this program copies data between a database, a dbitabletext file, the screen.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --summary             print a summary of the function of the program
                        specify the DATABASE-NAME, this should be
                        ::database name like
                        specify the DATABASE-USER. When this option is
                        missing, the script looks at the file $HOME/.netrc. If
                        this file exists and there is an entry in the form
                        'machine  login  password
                        ' this is taken to log onto the database.
                        specify the DATABASE-PASSWORD
  -c COMMAND, --command=COMMAND
                        specify the COMMAND to perform, the following commands
                        are known: file2file, db2file, file2db, file2sqlite,
                        file2screen, db2screen, db2csv.
                        specify the TABLESPEC, a string in the form
                        'key1=value1,key2=value2...'. These are the known
                        keys: tag, table, schema, query, order, filter. Order
                        is a list of COLON separated column names, filter is
                        the where-part of the sql query. More than one
                        TABLESPEC is allowed.
  -f FILE, --file=FILE  specify the FILE. This is needed for all commands
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
                        specify the OUTFILE. This is needed for all commands
  -D, --delete          for the 'file2db' command, this means that lines that
                        are found in the database but not in the file are
                        deleted in the database
  --no-auto-pk          for the 'file2db' command, this means that primary
                        keys are not generated for rows where the primary key
                        is zero, which is the default behaviour.
                        extract the where clause from the dtt file
  --echo                echo all SQL commands
  -t, --test            perform simple self-test