idcp-restore: restore a version of IDCP
  idcp-restore [OPTIONS] VERSION
  The ISO date string as it is used by rsync-dist. 
  -h --help :
      this help
  --dir DIR :
    Create source tree in directory DIR. Otherwise a
    directory name is created from the VERSION string
    in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHHMMSS.
  -f --facility FACILITY :
    define facility, currently known:
      bii      : BESSY storage ring, the default
      mls      : MLS storage ring
  -c --config CONFIGFILE :
    Specify the rsync-dist configuration file to use. If this 
    option is not givem, take the one from bii_scripts.
  -v --verbose :
    show what the script does
  -n --dry-run :
    just show what the script would do