Usage: -r [revisions] {extra options}

This program converts mercurial revisions to git revisions. The changes, log
messages and author information remain intact, only the record date is set to
today. Note that a git repository must already be present.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --summary             print a summary of the function of the program
  -r REVISION, --revision=REVISION
                        Specify the REVISION. REVISION may be a mercurial
                        revision or a revision range where two revisions are
                        separated by a colon. If just one revision is given,
                        all revisions from there to "tip" are taken. Tags or
                        strings like "tip" may also be used as a revision
  -v, --verbose         print to the screen what the program does
  --dry-run             do not apply any changes