last update: by
• Author : Kuner
grep EPICS db files for records, fields, values etc. Print output in EPICS.db format
USAGE: -t<TRIGGER> <match> [-p<PRINT> <match>] filename/s
• Triggers : defines what fields, records etc are of interest. The values of the trigger options are processed as regular expressions and concatenated with logical AND, means all triggers have to match.
-tt/-it <recType>: match/ignore record type -tr/-ir <recName>: match/ignore record name -tf/-if <fieldType>: match/ignore field type -tv/-iv <value>: match/ignore field contains <value> -tl <value>: Trigger all link fields that contains <value>. Print all link fields of these records. -th show hardware access fields (other trace options usable to reduce output)\n\n".
• Print options: defines the output fields. The record name and type is allways shown. Default output is the field defined with -tf option or all fields if -tf isn't defined:
-pr <recName>: print records tha match that name -pf -ipf<fieldType>: print/ignore this field/s -pt print as table, default is EPICS.db format\n". -ph print as Hash, override -pT, default is EPICS.db format\n".
Common options:
-i ignore case -v verbose
• Examples : -tf DTYP -tv 'EK IO32' -pf '(INP$|OUT|DTYP|NOBT)' *.db
Means Show all records of DTYP=EK IO32 print the fields INP$.OUT,DTYP and NOBT. -tf '(INP|OUT|LNK|DOL)' file.db
Means Show the record linkage of this file, same as -tl "" file.db.