************* dbutil.p 1.4 *****************
useage: dbutil.p {options} 
  -h : this help
  -d : database-name, default: DBI:Oracle:bii_par
  -u [user] , database-user, default: guest
     when this option is missing, the scripts first searches for
     If this file exists and there is an entry in the form:
     machine  login  password 
     the user-name and password are taken from that file. If a matching
     entry is not found, the script looks for the environment variable
     DBUTIL. If it is set to (user:password)
     this user-password combination is taken

  -p [password], default: "bessyguest"

  -a [action]: mandatory, action is one of:
     file2file, db2file, file2db, file2screen, db2screen

  -t [table-name,primary_key]: this is mandatory for all actions db2...
     The primary_key may be omitted, in this case it is determined
     by a special SQL query

  -n [new table name]
     change the table-name to the new given name. This may be useful 
     when a table is copied to another table with a different name but 
     the same structure    

  -f [filename]
     This is mandatory for all actions file2...

  -o [filename]
     This is mandatory for all actions ...2file

  -T [tag] tag in the datafile. Mandatory for all actions file...
     For actions ...2file, the default is the table-name if it is
     not defined

  -F [filter-name,filter-parameters...]: define a filter for the 
     currently known:
     SQL,"WHERE-Part of an sql query statement"

  --order_by [column-name1,column-name2...] : 
     this is only relevant for "...2file and ...2screen"
     if no columns are given ordering is made according to
     primary keys

  -D deletion mode (only for file2db). In this case, lines
     that are not found in the file but only the database are
     deleted from the database 

  --no_auto_pk (only for file2db)
     do not generate primary keys but take the primary key field
     in the file as it is

  --no-aliases (only file2* and *2file) 
     do not create or evaluate the "Aliases" section in the file.