Usage:  csv2plot [options] files

Combine and convert numerical data from .csv files for gnuplot use

- Pick an arbitrary column for the 'x' value and an arbitrary 
  column for 'y' value (-u option, default=0:1).
- Look for x-values until the first file ends or the x-value is repeating.
  If the set of x-values is found new occuring x-values will exit the program
- Pick all occuring y-values to the set of x-value and store it.
  Format: x, y0,y1,...yn
- Process the data with the numeric options. Difference, Normalize...
- Format output to option -f
- Print to STDOUT or option -o OUTFILE

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USING, --using=USING
                        pick 2 columns from input file(s) USING='colX:colY'
  -n NORMALIZED, --normalized=NORMALIZED
                        normalize to this value: Yn = Yn / NORMALIZED
  -d DIFFERENCE, --difference=DIFFERENCE
                        Difference to col n, Yn = Ydiff - Yn e.g -d 0 diff to
                        x,  -d 2 diff. to col 2
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
                        output file, default is STDOUT
  -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
                        output file format: 'default=x, y0,y1,...yn',
                        character for column delimiter. Default is '\t'
  -v, --verbose         Tell You what I do now