Usage: * Author  B.Kuner

How to use the spreadsheet table: 


pydoc to the underlying classes:

- csv2epicsFuncs:
- epicsUtils.html:

Single .db or .substitution file
    csv2epicsDb [-h OPTIONS]  -d epics.db data.csv  
    csv2epicsDb [-h OPTIONS]  -d epics.substitutions data.csv
Multiple .db or .substitutions  files (Col. W)    
    csv2epicsDb [-h OPTIONS]  -D data.csv                       

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a OUTPUT_ARCH, --output_arch=OUTPUT_ARCH
                        archiver config file name for signals defined n Col. O
  -b BASE, --base=BASE  EPICS Base, as defined in Makfile Variable
                        $(EPICS_SHORT_VERSION) Default is '3.14.8'
  -c CAN, --can=CAN     DEPRECIATED don't use in new projects! CAN port Nr.,
                        or 'opc' for OPC server access
  -d OUTPUT_DB, --output_db=OUTPUT_DB
                        db file name (if Col W empty) file ending determines
                        the ouptut: '.db' or '.substitutions'
  -D, --output_multiFile
                        Tag to write the records/substitutions to the files as
                        set in COL W.
  -f INSTALL_PATH, --install_path=INSTALL_PATH
                        installation path for output files: .substitutions,
                        .arch, .alh, panels. Default is './'
  -i IOCNAME, --iocName=IOCNAME
                        IOC name
  -l, --output_alh      create alarm handler config file for Items that define
                        BESSY ALH Group (col. Q, )
  -L, --output_alh_no_group
                        as -l but without group information to be included in
                        hand written alh file
  -m OPC_NAME, --opc_name=OPC_NAME
                        opc server name
  -n DEVNAME, --devName=DEVNAME
                        device name [\(DEVICE)]
  -p, --panel           create '' data for Items that define
                        EPICS devObj.panelName (col. T, )
  -r OUTPUT_REQ, --output_req=OUTPUT_REQ
                        autoSaveRestore request file name for signals defined
                        in Col. P
  -s SEARCH_PATH, --search_path=SEARCH_PATH
                        Search path for panel widgets and template plugins
  -t SEPARATOR, --separator=SEPARATOR
                        Column separator in .csv file
  -v, --verbose         Print debug information
  --cmLog               Create alh file for cmlog use: transient alarms that
                        report each state
  --devObj=DEVOBJ       Python class module that converts non standard csv
                        data to variables needed by the program
  --dis=DIS             Optional name of disable record to be created and used
                        in all SDIS fields
  --stoRcl              Optional create store recall records for ao and
                        longout: DEVN:stoSNAME, DEVN:rclSNAME
  --var=VAR             Define variables in the csv file. CSV-file tag: $(VAR)
                        fill with: --var VAR=huhu