Usage: csv2alh --col n [-h OPTIONS] csv file

Create an alarm handler configuration from an .csv file. The csv2epicsDb allowsn only
one alh definition. This program allows to create additional alarm handlers from the 
same table by defining arbitrary collumns. There is need of 4 subsequent collumns, 
beginning with the column defined in opcion -c.

Columns may be defined by its number (first=0) or spreadsheet-tag (first=A). 

Spreadsheet data: 

- col n   ="signal|list" If the item is a record use col. C, otherwise a signal defined in the template
- col n+1 = "alhFile|PATH",e.g.. 'RF|$(ALHGROUP_PREFIX)|SignCuit' 
- col n+2 = alh flag list, e.g..: ' -m DEVN=\$(DEVN),TAB=6 PAHX_CTRL.edl|ALIAS= Button Emergency Stop All:'
- col n+3 = Optional sort order

Example Makefile rule, defines a devicename in col a, alh definition beginning in AA, take
signal only if defined col B, substitute variable in csv data:

    hardware.alh: $(COMMON_DIR)/EPICSData.csv
            csv2alh -c AA -n A -d B --var TAG=myTag $<

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COL, --col=COL     Number/spreadsheet-tag of first collumn in .csv file
                        (first=0 or A)
  -d DISA, --disa=DISA  Check if this item is enabled or ignore it if this col
                        is not defined
  -g, --output_alh_no_group
                        Without group information to be included in hand
                        written alh file
  -n DEVNAME, --devname=DEVNAME
                        Devicename or if len<3 Column number/tag in .csv file
  -t SEPARATOR, --separator=SEPARATOR
                        Column separator in .csv file
  --var=VAR             Substitute variable in the csv file. CSV-file tag:
                        $(VAR) fill with: --var VAR=huhu