Usage: console-get [OPTIONS] AREA [PATTERN]
downloads and concatenates console log files

AREA is a mandatory parameter. For each area
    there is a specific directory on the console server.
    These are the known areas:
    blc      : beamline control
    id       : insertion devices
    mono     : monochromators
    tsc      : bessy or beamline control systems
    tsc-mls  : mls control systems

[PATTERN] is an optional parameter. If it is is given,
    only files starting with that name are processed.
    It may be a simple string or a file-glob expression.
    If [PATTERN] is omitted, all log files are processed.

    console-get id eis13g
            -> get log files for eis13g
    console-get id eis11*
            -> get log files whose names begin with "eis11"

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --summary             print a summary of the function of the program
  --list                Just list available files. You can narrow the output
                        by providing a PATTERN.
  --list-all            List all log files with date. You can narrow the
                        output by providing a PATTERN. With --ssh this also
                        displays the file sizes.
  --http                Use http instead of ssh.
  --force               Overwrite existing files.
  -v, --verbose         Show executed commands.
  -n, --dry-run         Show commands that would be executed.
  -r NUMBER, --restrict=NUMBER
                        Restrict to the last NUMBER log files.