NAME - a Perl programm for querying the database for device names


This program uses DBI for accessing the database. The Modules u needed to install:

* FindBin
* Options
* PgDB
* Data::Dumper;

The results can be presented different as formats and content. In the following overview the most options are described.


To call thte syntax the following short syntax is preferred:

usage: [bdfFghilLnuopsStTvwx] names

Please suggest to configure the packages and have may be a look to your PERL5LIB environment variable, that there is the path to the packages is correctly set.


-h, --help              display this help

-v, --verbose           print verbose messages

-V, --Verbose           print a lot more informations

-l, --log[=STRING]      print messages to file instead of stdout

-n, --not               do not perform any actual work

-d, --dbase=STRING      Database instance (e.g. devices)

-u, --user=STRING       User name for database access

-p, --passwd=STRING     Password, not shown in TTY

-f, --force             use force query with the default database account,

                        ignoring user and password options


 -o, --output=STRING             output format as a selection of
         * list - textual list of names,
         * table - ascii table,
         * set - ascii sets,
         * csvtable - csvtable,
         * htmltable - htmlbased table,
         * htmlset - separated html listentries,
         * xmlset - simpleformatted xml text
         * dump - perl dump

 -b, --outputbody                removing to output header

 -i, --outputindex               insert indexcount to output, formerly known as number of line

 -w, --wwwform                   returns the formular for webrequests

 -x, --extract                   concat the extracted name parts in to different columns,

                                                         shows the complete partitioning splitted in the parsed parts

 -t, --description               concat the textual descriptions are given to all name parts


-s, --sort=STRING                       sort options supported:
        * namerevname (default),
        * key/revkey,
        * family (only if -x option is set),
        * domain/revdomain (only if -x option is set),

-S, --revertsort                        revert/desc sort of given sort order

-F, --facility=STRING           filter facility, like  bii, mls, fel

-T, --family=STRING                     type of device, better the family

-L, --subdomain=STRING          location of the device or better the subdomain


Victoria Laux,